Building project failed at Codesigning libswiftQuartzCore.dylib with exit code 1

Please help me solve this problem. My project could be built and run before. But after upgrading Xcode, it could not be built anymore. My current Xcode is Version 11.2.1 (11B500). I am using Macbook Pro. I have Xcode automatically mange signing.

Here is the last few lines of the build log:

Probing signature of /Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

/usr/bin/codesign -r- --display /Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

/Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ code object is not signed at all

Codesigning /Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign CFE5A6F5A8312F27C3DC40CAAF2F1E8019EC2F78 --verbose /Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

/Users/jamieliu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Shuyang-aixzuvqiiwzbuohcdzohxiwzjbkh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ errSecInternalComponent

error: Failed with exit code 1 (in target 'Shuyang' from project 'Shuyang')


The problem is solved by me!

Here is how:

Connect my iPhone to my old development Mac Book

Solve the certificate problem there (which is different from the new one)

(this is critical in solving the whole problem)

Go back to this new dev machine

Delete and re-add my Apple Id from Xcode -> Preferences -> Account

Remove it from Signing and Capabilities -> Targets -> Shuyang -> Signing -> Team

Menu Product -> Clean

Restart Xcode

Add it back to … Signing -> Team

Menu Product -> Build

Connect my iPhone to it again

Run -> Trust it from iPhone…