What is the origin of reverse-domain-naming?

It doesn't make any intuitive sense to me.


When looked at thru non-computer programming disciplines, I can imagine it does lack intuitiveness. As a programmer of 50+ years, it's just another naming convention to me, and thus quite intuitive.


h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_domain_name_notation

Advantage - It is a unique identifier (because domain names are unique).

The origin is from Java - it was initially used to describe elements of the Java class hierarchy. That reflects both the uniqueness and the (reverse) hierarchal structure of domain names:


Because the App Store enforces uniqueness, I'm saying it's not intutive that we'd have to take another measure on top of that to make an attempt at uniqing. Did Apple just think it would be faster to come up with identifiers if they made this recommendation? It just looks like noise to me.

It sounds like somebody never used a 4-byte creator code before.

The tags and id strings etc. were originally established when Apple started iTunes. As that effort expanded, many became legacy, more were added, and today we have the App Store in all it's glory. I think bundleID is the cornerstone, BTW.

MUSE used to have all the info on songs such as title, artist. I handled migrating that data for Tower Records original online music sales in the form of CDs shipped to home. The data burden then wasn't that much different than it is today, actually, the difference being much less concern over customer/user metrics, by a mile. Point is, digital media only exists because the systems required to support such content are able to digest a blizzard of tags and identifiers. It's up to the wetware to put up with 'noise' such as otherwise confusing strings. Thankfully, the hardware could care less.

If you think you have a better idea on how such data is created/managed, feel free to file an enhancement request via the Feedback Reporter, link below, being sure to add your FA# to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck w/it.

The value of using this identifier is that it means something to me and won't lose it's uniqueness by being elected by someone else. For example, com.parkerbrothers.apps.monopoly won't be used by 'Fake Games' launching fake monopoly. I don't want to select an identifier and get told by Apple that it is not unique.