How to disable momentum scrolling in IOS 13

Issue: IOS 13 has by default enabled the momemtum scrolling and I want to disable momentum scrolling for my webapp.

Prior to ios 13, I was disabling momentum scrolling by setting "webkit-overflow-scrolling" to "auto". But this property no longer works in ios 13 which has caused regression in my webapp and I am experiencing flickering during scrolling(especially around scroll edges) in my webpage due to momemtum scrolling.

Can you please suggest some way to turn off the momemtum scrolling.


I think its a bug on ios 13, refer to the Safari 13 Release Notes:

Added support for one-finger accelerated scrolling to all frames and overflow:scroll elements eliminating the need to set-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch.

But they deleted the css attribute -webkit-overflow-scrolling obviously instead of set touch default.

It's still not fixed on ios 14, who know that?