XCode variable to know xcframework used


I have generated xcframework with Mac Catalyst support.

Inside my xcframework i have:

- ios-armv7_armv7s_arm64_arm64e

- ios-x86_64-maccatalyst

- ios-x86_64-simulator

What XCode variable represent the internal framework used inside xcframework?

Or what XCode variable will return "ios-x86_64-maccatalyst" for example?

I need this because my headers is inside "ios-x86_64-maccatalyst/Ezored.framework/Headers" and on XCode today im using:


So i want remove "ios-x86_64-maccatalyst" and use correct variable to be agnostic.

This is my project called ezored (https://ezored.com) with Mac Catalyst support. More info and video abbout it working is here:


Thanks for any help on it.