AVAudioSequencer - Making a sequencer

I'm having a **** of a time trying to navigate through Apple's docs on the AVAudioSequencer. I mean... would it kill them to add code snippets?

Anywho, I'm trying to make a drum machine (step sequencer) but can't find any examples or useful documentaion on the AVAudioSequencer.write() method or if there's a way to send a clock trigger out of the AVAudioSequencer. Anyone have any luck with this?


Sorry this isn't a reply, but this area is severly unloved by Apple or anyone who knows how to use this framework. My question has 0 replies except for my own pokes to try to get it noticed.

Not sure if this would help but here is one of their WWDC video on AVAudioEngine. It links to a sample project that might lead you to do what you want to do. But if anything, you can try using AudioKit since it has better documentation and a community.