No depth information on iphone 11

I have an image taken with portrait mode on iphone 11 pro(with ios 13.2). When I try to read the depth of it from the photo album, it returns nil. When I transfer photo to my mac with airdrop and try the code on the simulator, it works. What is wrong with the iphone 11?

Here is how I read the depth:

let url = info[UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.imageURL]
self.url = url as! URL
MainCIImage = CIImage(contentsOf: url as! URL, options: [CIImageOption.applyOrientationProperty : true])
DepthMap = CIImage(contentsOf: url as! URL, options: [ CIImageOption.applyOrientationProperty : true,
CIImageOption.auxiliaryDepth : true
DisparityMap = CIImage(contentsOf: url as! URL, options: [ CIImageOption.applyOrientationProperty : true,
CIImageOption.auxiliaryDisparity: true