CoreMIDI The simplest MIDI output function

I am trying to implement what should be the simplest MIDI function of all for an iOS app but getting my head around the CoreMIDI framework is painful and I'm a bit of a newbie coder...

I just want to send a MIDI note or simple sequence of notes out of my iPhone via a MIDI Interface (iRig2) to my old synthesizer.

so for now a simple function that will run when I press a button and send the MIDI packet to a MIDI port of my choosing with the basic Note On Note Off.

This is part of a more complex app I'm developing and now I'm at the MIDI implementation part I've hit a wall. Not much out there in tutorial form to explain MIDI in Swift. And most dont seem interested in sending MIDI data out to external hardware

Help much appreciated!


I'm having the same problem. Apple used to be so good at documentation. I'm talking back in the Inside Macintosh days. Apple's not that company any more.