Download Xcode 11.3 GM - Lost in blue

I was downloading XCode 11.3 GM. At about 4GB, loading slowed down.

I stopped and tried to restart. Immossible.

Then I notice that 11.3 GM has disappearaed from download site.

Would anyone know why ?

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It's back...

Actually, 11.3 is in the MAS dated 12.09, or for those that like it manually, try the 12.03 11.3 via more downloads:


Yep, gone, but my in-progress download is still moving along, so...

Why? What would an Xcode update be without ups/downs, tho 😉

Now we get to look forward to the backend refusing submittals, etc. etc. all over again.

Did you get the iOS 13.3 update yet?