Metal Performance on iPhone XR

Hi everyone!

I have a kernel

function which basically looks like this:

struct Matrix { 
    half arr[562500]; //enough to store 750x750 matrix 

struct Output { 
   half arr[12288]; 

kernel void compute_features(device Output& buffer [[ buffer(0) ]], 
                             const device Matrix& mtx_0 [[ buffer(1) ]], 
                             const device Matrix& mtx_1 [[ buffer(2) ]], 
                             constant short2& matSize [[ buffer(3) ]], 
                             constant float& offset [[ buffer(4) ]], 
                             ushort2 gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]]) 
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { 
        for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {  
            int mat_id = i * matSize.x + j;  
            half matrixValue_0 = mtx_0.mat[mat_id]; 
            half matrixValue_1 = mtx_1.mat[mat_id] - offset;  
            short someId_0 = 0; 
            short someId_1 = 0; 
            short someId_2 = 0; 
            short someId_3 = 0;  //those ids will be calculated at the code below 
            half value = 0.h;  //this value will be calculated at the code below  

            //some math where `someId` and `value` are calculated with usage of `matrixValue_0` and `matrixValue_1`  

            if (some_condition0) { 
                buffer.arr[someId_0] += value; 

            if (some_condition1) { 
                buffer.arr[someId_1] += value; 

            if (some_condition2) { 
                buffer.arr[someId_2] += value; 

            if (some_condition3) { 
                buffer.arr[someId_3] += value; 

I understand that this code has its down-sides - dynamic indexing and big loop. But unfortunately the algorithm I'm trying to express can not be implemented differently at that point.

Now, this code runs very good at

iPhone 7+
, it takes around
per iteration, and I'm very happy with this number.

BUT, I tried to run the exact same algorithm on

iPhone XR
and I was surprised to see that this algorithm takes around
1.0-1.2 ms
to complete.

With the help of

and it's magnificent GPU pipeline debugging tool I found out that my bottlenecks are:


    half matrixValue_0 = mtx_0.mat[mat_id]; 
    half matrixValue_1 = mtx_1.mat[mat_id] - offset;

It seems that significant part of processing time are spent in

Memory Load


if (some_condition0) { 
   buffer[someId_0] += value; 

if (some_condition1) { 
    buffer[someId_1] += value;

if (some_condition2) { 
    buffer[someId_2] += value; 

if (some_condition3) { 
    buffer[someId_3] += value; 

The major processing time are spent for

Memory Store

For me it seems like

iPhone XR
quite struggles operating with
memory because bottle-necks are in places where I work with containers which are stored in

I understand that I'm using dynamic indexing - compiler can not really predict what address in the container will be loaded/stored in certain iteration. But the code works very good on

iPhone 7+
, but not on
iPhone XR

I suspect that it might have something to do with byte alignment. Can it be somehow related to that?

I would love to hear some suggestions on this. Thanks in advance!


Did you ever find out about the cause? I'm experiencing the same with A12 devices (iPhone Xs 256GB + iPad Pro 11"). Access to large 3D textures used to be much faster on older devices, so it seems. I wonder if this is related to the new TBDR-architecture of the A11. Altrough I remember it being faster on the iPhone X...