iOS 13 - Custom sound not playing with Callkit

With the latest update of iOS13, application is not able to play the user defined ringtones via CallKit. Before iOS13, it was required to place the custom ringtone in the "~Library/Sounds" path and providing the name of tone to the CallKit configuration via CXProviderConfiguration.ringtoneSound, with this name set, the CallKit played the provided ringtone, but with the latest update to iOS13 it only plays the ringtones that are bundled with the application, if we provide the name of ringtone from "~Library/Sounds" it doesn't plays it anymore. Infact it plays the default ringtone.

I tried to verify that same with the UserNotification, and it seems to work fine there i.e. providing the name of custom sound file from the "~Library/Sounds" directory, the notification is able to play the sound for iOS13 as well as previous versions.

Can you please confirm me if the approach to set the custom ringtone for the CallKit is changed in iOS13 and from the Documentation now it states that it only plays the bundled sounds via CXProviderConfiguration.ringtoneSound. What would be the approach to play the custom ringtone via CallKit?

Thanks in advance.

  • @arehman86 Were you able to figure out how to set custom tones for CallKit?

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