Failed to create provisioning profile

I have seen this issue a lot on this forum and github. I have followed tutorials and have been at this for over 5 hours.

All I want is to add the app so I can testflight it with friends and family. I do not have an iphone. I have a Macbook Pro and have paid for the Developer enrollment.

When I select Generic IOS Device and Archive I get this error:

I have the bundle ID in the Developer Certificate Page

I have made the app in App Store Connect

- This Image wont show properly but in the App Store Connect the bundle ID is the same as above and in Xcode Identity.

I have gone through the certificate steps and made these certificates in xcode

What am I doing wrong? What else should I do?


> I do not have an iphone.

That's a problem - the process expects at least one device (not your mac) registered in the member center, for your dev account.