LAError bug in iOS 13

When user minimize app during biometric authentification app receive LAError.userCancel in iOS 12. But iOS 13 returns LAError.systemCancel in the same case.
Where's an error and how to handle this state? I'd tested biometric with faceId. And what's right behavior?


What’s your specific concern here? What would you do differently depending on whether the user cancelled the request explicitly or cancelled it with the Home gesture?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

What’s your specific concern here? - What behavior is supposed to be?

What would you do differently depending on whether the user cancelled the request explicitly or cancelled it with the Home gesture? User just press home button in both cases. But iOS 12 and iOS 13 have different LAError.

So, I’d be glad if you may explain what should I do in such situation. Because I can’t understand where’s the problem here.

My flow: I open biometric login then press home button. After I open app: iOS 12 return .userCancel and iOS 13 return .systemCancel.

User just press home button in both cases. But iOS 12 and iOS 13 have different


Right. But unless you do something different based on the specific error code you get back, it makes no difference which one you get, right? That’s the crux of my previous question: Why do you treat these two error codes differently? What behaviour in your app is trigger by

that’s not triggered by
, or vice versa?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""