Microphone permission change restarts running App

Could not find enough documentation on below behavior, appreciate if someone could direct to the documentation of below behavior:

Running App would terminate/restart when permission is altered in settings.


If App, using microphone is running and say is in screen#3 and microphone permission is granted.

Now if user revokes the microphone permission by invoking Settings->Privacy->Microphone->App -> off and opens already running App, it starts from screen #1 instead of #3.

What is the best way to prevent this behavior as microphone permission is not mandatory but convenient option for application and could wait for next time launch to apply permission change. Thinking to store state before going to background and reapply when relaunched. But is there a possibility to not to reset the app when permission changes at first place automatically, like Bluetooth on/off

  • Have you found a solution to this?

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