UIPopoverPresentationController not showing its contentViewcontroller's navigation items

I'm making use of UIPopoverPresentationController in order to present a UITableViewController as its contentViewController on an iPad. In the process, I have noticed that the contentViewController i.e UITableViewController is unable to present itself fully, in that the navigation items that it has, are not being shown. The 2 nav items are of type UIBarButtonItem, one for editing the rows of the tableView, and the other for adding a new row.

Here is the code-

-(IBAction)showAssetTypePicker:(UIButton *)sender{
    NSLog(@"AssetTypePicker button pressed!!");
    assetTypePicker= [[AssetTypePicker alloc] init];
    [self.view endEditing:YES];
    NSLog(@"current item's assetType- %@",_item.assetType);
    [assetTypePicker setItem:_item];
    /*Bronze Challenge*/
    if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom]== UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
        [assetTypePicker.tableView setDelegate:self];//Setting DetailViewController as UITableView's delegate
        assetTypePicker.modalPresentationStyle= UIModalPresentationPopover;
        [self presentViewController:assetTypePicker animated:YES completion:nil];
        //Configuring the PopoverPresentationController
        assetTypePickerPopover= assetTypePicker.popoverPresentationController;
        NSLog(@"assetTypePickerPopover- %@",assetTypePickerPopover);
        [assetTypePickerPopover setDelegate:self];
        assetTypePickerPopover.sourceView= sender;
        assetTypePickerPopover.sourceRect= sender.bounds;
        assetTypePickerPopover.permittedArrowDirections= UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny;
    else{//..for iPhone
        [self.navigationController pushViewController:assetTypePicker animated:YES];

In the above code snippet, the AssetTypePicker is a UITableViewController which is to presented on both iPad and iPhone. For the iPhone, I have had it presented straightaway by pushing it onto an existing viewcontroller, and it takes effect when the user taps a UIButton. For the iPad, there is "assetTypePickerPopover" of type UIPopoverPresentationController, that is being used.

The result is a popover that gets presented upon tapping of a UIButton, but without the UIBarButtonItems that constitute the navigation items of the AssetTypePicker.


Whereas, on the iPhone, the navigation items are being shown as-


If anyone could advice on how to work through this, i'd be grateful.