couldn't dismiss the swipe down gesture in AVPlayerViewController , any ideas how to do it ?

i have tried dismissing the swipe down gesture in AVPlayerViewController that closes the controller, but no luck. i think am missing out somthing but couldnt figure it out. any help in this would be appreciated.

i have tried like -

isModalInPresentation = true and

UIModalPresentationFullScreen but AVPlayerViewController ignores this.

Thank in advance!


Did you see this ?

implementing shouldDismiss seems a good approach or changing the presentation to fullScreen.

PS: This is more a CocoaTouch question than an objectiveC.

Hi ,

i have tried that but its not working out, actually the screen is already presenting in full screen mode only but it gets closed when swiped down. need to stop dismissing only that. Am still finding a way to do that.

How have you implemented shouldDismiss ?