Error creating Apple Pay Certificate: CSR algorithm/size is incorrect.Expected RSA 2048

Hello All, I am having trouble setting up an Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate.

When I upload the CSR file I receive the following error: CSR algorithm/size is incorrect.Expected RSA 2048

In my CSR I selected custom settings; ECC Algorithm and 256 bit Key size. I also tried RSA 2048 and neither work.

Apple technical support referred me here...

Thanks in advance.

xLeague Games


Did you select the iCloud keychain before using the Request Certificate from Certificate Authority command? If you didn't, another keychain may be active, resulting in the wrong keys used for the process.

This was fixed by using the Firefox browser. Not sure why that would fix it but it did.

xLeague Games

See this answer: CSR algorithm/size incorrect. Expected: RSA(2048)