Examples of Independent Watch apps that use Apple Sign In

Hey Developers,

I know these forums are more for technical questions and support, but I was hoping some of you could post examples of Independent Watch Apps, ideally with Apple Sign-In. Your own, or others you admire.

We have been seeing a lot of weirdness with Apple sign-in and been getting interesting error cases when a tester jumps between Apple IDs on the same device. I'd love to see how other apps handle Apple Sign-in on the watch, partly to help see what issues are ours, and what are part of Watch OS.

I'll post ours in the next few weeks when we launch.

Thanks in advance.



I added Sign in with Apple to the Yazio iOS App and the independet watchOS App written in SwiftUI. If you catch some error cases you can share them with me 🙂. Our implementation is a bit different to others. Most of the apps I've seen are using the same button for registration or login at the same page. We're using the Siwa button at the end of our onboarding and another one at our Login form.

I'm always open for feedback.



Thanks Sabastian, I have taken a look.

A couple of quick notes (iOS 13.2, watch OS 6.1):

  • Looks good on the Series 5 40mm screen, but on the 44mm a lot of the UI elements overlap
  • When "Bold Text" is selected on the watch accessibility menu, a lot of the layout breaks, including the birth date picker (year gets truncated)
  • And most importantly, the "Apple Sign-In" button for me just didn't work, but it worked fine for a colleague (both the one at the end of onboarding, and on the login screen)

I'm not sure what's up with the Sign-In button. It presses down with the tap, but no new views appear. I tried it several times. Worked as expected for my colleague, she went straight onto the Email Options Screen.

Thanks for the reply. I will have a look on the issues. If you have questions regarding the Sign in with Apple things on the watch just ask. One of the major issues we have at the moment is the behaviour of the Capabilities in the apple dev center. Sometime the Sign in with Apple Capability of our Watch Target changes from "App Id ***" to "Primary App" - then the Apple Sign in wont work anymore on the watch.

We also discovered problems with the complete "Sign in with Apple" if you're using multiple apps with "Sign in with Apple". Sometimes your Apple Id Credentials wont show up in the Action Sheet if there are other Apps that are using Siwa. After removing them from the Settings the Credentials show up. Because of the great release notes for 13.1 and 13.2 ("There are no release notes for this software update") I have no Idea if this is fixed or not, because this happes just sometimes and randomly.

Small Update for the Button Problem:

With 6.1 Apple changed something with the WKInterfaceObjectRepresentable so my SwiftUI implementation of the WKInterfaceAuthorizationAppleIDButton does not work. The .onTapGesture from SwiftUI is not recognizing the taps anymore.