Background Location Updates Suspended with iOS13

Hello there,

I'm facing a problem when updating locations in background for first time installed with iOS13. Here is steps of reproducing this issue.

1. request `always` permission

2. start updating location when the `authorizationStatus` changed to `kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways`

3. set `pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically` to NO

4. set `allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates` to YES

5. choose `whenInUse` from the alert

6. locationManager will start delivering locations to delegate

7. enter background, the locations updating will SUSPENDED after 10s

8. enter foreground, or maybe some time else decided by system, there will be another alert presented. No matter i choose 'whenInUse' or 'always', the locationManager will resume delivering locations.

As we know from the session of WWDC2019, the authorization system and the options it presents has changed. There will be a `provisional always` status between the first and the second chosen. But during that NO location will be delivered when in background, and the time to present the second alert is decided by the system.

Is there anything missed on my side? Or is there any way to resolve that?

Thanks, any help will be appreciated.