Siri shows the wrong information, on selecting a value from the list

- Siri shows the wrong value, on selecting a value from the list. It works fine till 25th record in the list, after 25th record whichever record we select it shows the first record's value.

To Reproduce the issue:

- Create a Shortcut of type List, and provide the array of values (>25) to display in the list using disambiguation in resolve() method.

- Open Siri, and dictate the name of the Shortcut, scroll through the list and select any record after 25th record. For eg: select 26th record

- It should show the value of the record which is selected by the user. In this case, it should show '26th record'

- But, It will show the '1st record' value from the list

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance..