WebVTT Questions / random crashing.

In an attempt to get sidecar subtitles working in a native iOS app similarly to WebKits sidecar capabilities, I noticed that one can init an AVPlayerItem directly with a WebVTT URL. This seems to work an allows me to synchronize playback with a normal local asset, or remote without much issue.

What is interesting is that I get occasional crashes within WebVTTParserParseBlockBuffer but only when loading remote webVTT files. Local files from disk have not to my knowledge triggered the crash.


A) Is it accepted and correct that an AVAsset may be initted with a URL pointing to only a WebVTT file on disk or remote? my AVAsset is reported like so :

po [self.subtitlePlayer.currentItem asset]
<AVURLAsset: 0x7ffe40f38500, URL = someURL.vtt>
(lldb) po [[self.subtitlePlayer.currentItem asset] tracks]
<__NSArrayM 0x7ffe40c39ac0>(
<AVAssetTrack: 0x7ffe4280dd60, trackID = 1, mediaType = text>

B) if so, it appears there is a bug in WebVTT parsing that rears its head on occasion. This smells thread like. Is there any particular nuance?

The same WebVTT file locally works sans issue (apparently so at least) - weve checked URL encoding, mime type issues etc, and about 19/20 times it works great, otherwise we get an error. Ive ensured all my asset loading and KVO is on the main queue.

Thank you for any information.

Backtrace and crash:

* thread #6: tid = 0x1a6fc2, 0x000000011290b64d MediaToolbox`WebVTTParserParseBlockBuffer + 376, queue = 'URLAssetWorkQueue', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x11cf06000)
  * frame #0: 0x000000011290b64d MediaToolbox`WebVTTParserParseBlockBuffer + 376
    frame #1: 0x000000011286f52e MediaToolbox`EnsureWebVTTFileIsParsed + 294
    frame #2: 0x000000011286f2e7 MediaToolbox`WebVTTFormatReaderCopyTrackByIndex + 46
    frame #3: 0x00000001128f3b09 MediaToolbox`EnsureTracksArrayCreated + 286
    frame #4: 0x00000001128ec846 MediaToolbox`ProduceFormatReaderAssetProperty + 74
    frame #5: 0x00000001128e9365 MediaToolbox`URLAssetPropertyWorkFunction + 333
    frame #6: 0x0000000111d5f614 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8
    frame #7: 0x0000000111d466a7 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_queue_drain + 2176
    frame #8: 0x0000000111d45cc0 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_queue_invoke + 235
    frame #9: 0x0000000111d493b9 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1359
    frame #10: 0x0000000111d4ab17 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_worker_thread3 + 111
    frame #11: 0x00000001120cc637 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_wqthread + 729
    frame #12: 0x00000001120ca40d libsystem_pthread.dylib`start_wqthread + 13

    0x11290b4d5 <+0>:   pushq  %rbp
    0x11290b4d6 <+1>:   movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x11290b4d9 <+4>:   pushq  %r15
    0x11290b4db <+6>:   pushq  %r14
    0x11290b4dd <+8>:   pushq  %r13
    0x11290b4df <+10>:  pushq  %r12
    0x11290b4e1 <+12>:  pushq  %rbx
    0x11290b4e2 <+13>:  subq   $0x38, %rsp
    0x11290b4e6 <+17>:  movq   %rsi, %rbx
    0x11290b4e9 <+20>:  movq   %rdi, %r14
    0x11290b4ec <+23>:  movq   %rbx, %rdi
    0x11290b4ef <+26>:  callq  0x11293230c               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferGetDataLength
    0x11290b4f4 <+31>:  movq   %rax, %r15
    0x11290b4f7 <+34>:  leaq   -0x30(%rbp), %r8
    0x11290b4fb <+38>:  xorl   %esi, %esi
    0x11290b4fd <+40>:  xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x11290b4ff <+42>:  xorl   %ecx, %ecx
    0x11290b501 <+44>:  movq   %rbx, %rdi
    0x11290b504 <+47>:  callq  0x112932312               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer
    0x11290b509 <+52>:  testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b50b <+54>:  jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b511 <+60>:  leaq   0x20(%r14), %rdx
    0x11290b515 <+64>:  movq   0x20(%r14), %r13
    0x11290b519 <+68>:  testq  %r13, %r13
    0x11290b51c <+71>:  je     0x11290b5e4               ; <+271>
    0x11290b522 <+77>:  xorl   %r12d, %r12d
    0x11290b525 <+80>:  testq  %r15, %r15
    0x11290b528 <+83>:  je     0x11290b5ea               ; <+277>
    0x11290b52e <+89>:  movq   -0x30(%rbp), %rax
    0x11290b532 <+93>:  xorl   %r12d, %r12d
    0x11290b535 <+96>:  movzbl (%rax,%r12), %ecx
    0x11290b53a <+101>: cmpl   $0xa, %ecx
    0x11290b53d <+104>: je     0x11290b554               ; <+127>
    0x11290b53f <+106>: movzbl %cl, %ecx
    0x11290b542 <+109>: cmpl   $0xd, %ecx
    0x11290b545 <+112>: je     0x11290b554               ; <+127>
    0x11290b547 <+114>: incq   %r12
    0x11290b54a <+117>: cmpq   %r15, %r12
    0x11290b54d <+120>: jb     0x11290b535               ; <+96>
    0x11290b54f <+122>: jmp    0x11290b5ea               ; <+277>
    0x11290b554 <+127>: movq   %rbx, -0x48(%rbp)
    0x11290b558 <+131>: movzbl (%rax,%r12), %ecx
    0x11290b55d <+136>: movl   $0x1, %ebx
    0x11290b562 <+141>: cmpl   $0xa, %ecx
    0x11290b565 <+144>: je     0x11290b591               ; <+188>
    0x11290b567 <+146>: movzbl %cl, %ecx
    0x11290b56a <+149>: cmpl   $0xd, %ecx
    0x11290b56d <+152>: movq   -0x48(%rbp), %rbx
    0x11290b571 <+156>: jne    0x11290b5ea               ; <+277>
    0x11290b573 <+158>: movq   %r15, %rcx
    0x11290b576 <+161>: subq   %r12, %rcx
    0x11290b579 <+164>: cmpq   $0x2, %rcx
    0x11290b57d <+168>: jb     0x11290b5ea               ; <+277>
    0x11290b57f <+170>: movzbl 0x1(%rax,%r12), %eax
    0x11290b585 <+176>: cmpl   $0xa, %eax
    0x11290b588 <+179>: sete   %al
    0x11290b58b <+182>: movzbl %al, %ebx
    0x11290b58e <+185>: incq   %rbx
    0x11290b591 <+188>: movq   %rdx, -0x40(%rbp)
    0x11290b595 <+192>: testq  %r12, %r12
    0x11290b598 <+195>: jne    0x11290b602               ; <+301>
    0x11290b59a <+197>: cmpq   $0x1, %rbx
    0x11290b59e <+201>: jne    0x11290b602               ; <+301>
    0x11290b5a0 <+203>: movq   %r13, %rdi
    0x11290b5a3 <+206>: callq  0x11293230c               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferGetDataLength
    0x11290b5a8 <+211>: leaq   -0x1(%rax), %rsi
    0x11290b5ac <+215>: leaq   -0x31(%rbp), %rcx
    0x11290b5b0 <+219>: movl   $0x1, %edx
    0x11290b5b5 <+224>: movq   %r13, %rdi
    0x11290b5b8 <+227>: callq  0x1129322e8               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes
    0x11290b5bd <+232>: testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b5bf <+234>: jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b5c5 <+240>: movzbl -0x31(%rbp), %eax
    0x11290b5c9 <+244>: cmpl   $0xd, %eax
    0x11290b5cc <+247>: sete   %al
    0x11290b5cf <+250>: movzbl %al, %ebx
    0x11290b5d2 <+253>: incq   %rbx
    0x11290b5d5 <+256>: movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rax
    0x11290b5d9 <+260>: movq   (%rax), %r13
    0x11290b5dc <+263>: movl   $0x1, %r12d
    0x11290b5e2 <+269>: jmp    0x11290b605               ; <+304>
    0x11290b5e4 <+271>: movq   %rdx, -0x40(%rbp)
    0x11290b5e8 <+275>: jmp    0x11290b63b               ; <+358>
    0x11290b5ea <+277>: xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x11290b5ec <+279>: xorl   %r8d, %r8d
    0x11290b5ef <+282>: movq   %r13, %rdi
    0x11290b5f2 <+285>: movq   %rbx, %rsi
    0x11290b5f5 <+288>: movq   %r12, %rcx
    0x11290b5f8 <+291>: callq  0x1129322d6               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference
    0x11290b5fd <+296>: jmp    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b602 <+301>: addq   %rbx, %r12
    0x11290b605 <+304>: xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x11290b607 <+306>: xorl   %r8d, %r8d
    0x11290b60a <+309>: movq   %r13, %rdi
    0x11290b60d <+312>: movq   -0x48(%rbp), %rsi
    0x11290b611 <+316>: movq   %r12, %rcx
    0x11290b614 <+319>: callq  0x1129322d6               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference
    0x11290b619 <+324>: testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b61b <+326>: jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b621 <+332>: movq   %r14, %rdi
    0x11290b624 <+335>: movq   %rbx, %rsi
    0x11290b627 <+338>: callq  0x11290b752               ; webVTTProcessLineBB
    0x11290b62c <+343>: testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b62e <+345>: jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b634 <+351>: addq   %r12, -0x30(%rbp)
    0x11290b638 <+355>: subq   %r12, %r15
    0x11290b63b <+358>: xorl   %eax, %eax
    0x11290b63d <+360>: testq  %r15, %r15
    0x11290b640 <+363>: je     0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b646 <+369>: movq   -0x30(%rbp), %rsi
    0x11290b64a <+373>: xorl   %r12d, %r12d
->  0x11290b64d <+376>: movzbl (%rsi,%r12), %eax
    0x11290b652 <+381>: cmpl   $0xa, %eax
    0x11290b655 <+384>: je     0x11290b669               ; <+404>
    0x11290b657 <+386>: movzbl %al, %eax
    0x11290b65a <+389>: cmpl   $0xd, %eax
    0x11290b65d <+392>: je     0x11290b669               ; <+404>
    0x11290b65f <+394>: incq   %r12
    0x11290b662 <+397>: cmpq   %r15, %r12
    0x11290b665 <+400>: jb     0x11290b64d               ; <+376>
    0x11290b667 <+402>: jmp    0x11290b6d3               ; <+510>
    0x11290b669 <+404>: movzbl (%rsi,%r12), %eax
    0x11290b66e <+409>: cmpl   $0xa, %eax
    0x11290b671 <+412>: movl   $0x1, %ebx
    0x11290b676 <+417>: je     0x11290b69e               ; <+457>
    0x11290b678 <+419>: movzbl %al, %eax
    0x11290b67b <+422>: cmpl   $0xd, %eax
    0x11290b67e <+425>: jne    0x11290b6d3               ; <+510>
    0x11290b680 <+427>: movq   %r15, %rax
    0x11290b683 <+430>: subq   %r12, %rax
    0x11290b686 <+433>: cmpq   $0x2, %rax
    0x11290b68a <+437>: jb     0x11290b6d3               ; <+510>
    0x11290b68c <+439>: movzbl 0x1(%rsi,%r12), %eax
    0x11290b692 <+445>: cmpl   $0xa, %eax
    0x11290b695 <+448>: sete   %al
    0x11290b698 <+451>: movzbl %al, %ebx
    0x11290b69b <+454>: incq   %rbx
    0x11290b69e <+457>: leaq   (%rbx,%r12), %rdx
    0x11290b6a2 <+461>: movq   %r14, %rdi
    0x11290b6a5 <+464>: movq   %rbx, %rcx
    0x11290b6a8 <+467>: callq  0x11290b829               ; webVTTProcessLine
    0x11290b6ad <+472>: testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b6af <+474>: jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b6b5 <+480>: subq   %rbx, %r15
    0x11290b6b8 <+483>: addq   -0x30(%rbp), %rbx
    0x11290b6bc <+487>: addq   %r12, %rbx
    0x11290b6bf <+490>: movq   %rbx, -0x30(%rbp)
    0x11290b6c3 <+494>: xorl   %eax, %eax
    0x11290b6c5 <+496>: subq   %r12, %r15
    0x11290b6c8 <+499>: movq   %rbx, %rsi
    0x11290b6cb <+502>: jne    0x11290b64a               ; <+373>
    0x11290b6d1 <+508>: jmp    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b6d3 <+510>: movq   0x8ba7e(%rip), %rax       ; (void *)0x000000010f77f208: kCFAllocatorDefault
    0x11290b6da <+517>: movq   (%rax), %rdi
    0x11290b6dd <+520>: movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rax
    0x11290b6e1 <+524>: movq   %rax, 0x10(%rsp)
    0x11290b6e6 <+529>: movq   %r15, (%rsp)
    0x11290b6ea <+533>: movl   $0x1, 0x8(%rsp)
    0x11290b6f2 <+541>: xorl   %esi, %esi
    0x11290b6f4 <+543>: xorl   %r8d, %r8d
    0x11290b6f7 <+546>: xorl   %r9d, %r9d
    0x11290b6fa <+549>: movq   %r15, %rdx
    0x11290b6fd <+552>: movq   %rdi, %rcx
    0x11290b700 <+555>: callq  0x112932300               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock
    0x11290b705 <+560>: testl  %eax, %eax
    0x11290b707 <+562>: jne    0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b709 <+564>: movq   -0x30(%rbp), %rdi
    0x11290b70d <+568>: movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rax
    0x11290b711 <+572>: movq   (%rax), %rsi
    0x11290b714 <+575>: xorl   %edx, %edx
    0x11290b716 <+577>: movq   %r15, %rcx
    0x11290b719 <+580>: callq  0x11293232a               ; symbol stub for: CMBlockBufferReplaceDataBytes
    0x11290b71e <+585>: movl   %eax, %ebx
    0x11290b720 <+587>: testl  %ebx, %ebx
    0x11290b722 <+589>: movl   $0x0, %eax
    0x11290b727 <+594>: je     0x11290b743               ; <+622>
    0x11290b729 <+596>: movq   -0x40(%rbp), %rax
    0x11290b72d <+600>: movq   (%rax), %rdi
    0x11290b730 <+603>: testq  %rdi, %rdi
    0x11290b733 <+606>: je     0x11290b741               ; <+620>
    0x11290b735 <+608>: movq   $0x0, (%rax)
    0x11290b73c <+615>: callq  0x112931bc8               ; symbol stub for: CFRelease
    0x11290b741 <+620>: movl   %ebx, %eax
    0x11290b743 <+622>: addq   $0x38, %rsp
    0x11290b747 <+626>: popq   %rbx
    0x11290b748 <+627>: popq   %r12
    0x11290b74a <+629>: popq   %r13
    0x11290b74c <+631>: popq   %r14
    0x11290b74e <+633>: popq   %r15
    0x11290b750 <+635>: popq   %rbp
    0x11290b751 <+636>: retq