Xcode 10.3 question when create a new file.


When I create a new file with Xcode, I could always select the class (NSObject, UIView,..) I want to create.

After updated to Xcode 10.3, I can not find out how I should select the class.

Is the way to create a new file changed from Xcode10.3?

How can I select the class when I create a new file?

Please help me if anyone knows it.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Ken,

Thank you for your response.

It was my misunderstanding.

I selected "Swift" file to create a new class file, but I should select Cocoa Touch Class.

So, it is solved.

Sorry for disturbing you.


What do you see if you use the menus File/New/File...then type Class in to the search box upper right of the resulting dialog?