Need help: With Advertising on Mac Catalina

Hi everybody,

I have a problem with Advertising Tracking on Mac Catalina (10.15).

I call these functions:

- "[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] respondsToSelector:@selector(isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled)]" to check Ads Tracking enable or not. It always returns FALSE on Mac Catalina but working well on Mac Mojave (10.14).

- "[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager].advertisingIdentifier UUIDString]" to get Ads Identifier. It always returns "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" on Mac Catalina but return "23EEAB9 ......" on Mac Mojave (10.14).

Could you please help me check this problem?

Best Regards,


It always returns FALSE on Mac Catalina but working well on Mac Mojave (10.14).

Does it occur on simulator ? On device ?

Have you checked your settings ?

Hi Claude

Yes, I read it. I don't check "Limit Ad Tracking" in "Privacy".

It occurs on my device Mac Mini 2018 not on simulator.

Do you have any suggestion for me?



I have observed the same issue with MacOS and Catalyst apps on Catalina 10.15.5.
Could anybody suggest any solution?
