Combine: Deriving a publisher from another publisher

I have a sample test project at [grdb_test](

This project uses GRDB and GRDBCombine which are SQLite related frameworks supporting SwiftUI and Combine.

On the interface, I have two lists. The first list displays a complete list of strings. The second list displays only the unique strings.

In Tests.swift, I have two publishers which work and support both of those lists:

    func allTheTestsPublisher() -> DatabasePublishers.Value<[Test]>
                db in
                    let bestTests = try Test.fetchAll( db )
                    return bestTests
            .publisher( in: database )

    func allTheUniqueTestsPublisher() -> DatabasePublishers.Value<[Test]>
                db in
                    let bestTests = try Test.fetchAll( db )
                    return bestTests
            .map { (theTests: [Test]) -> [Test] in
                var uniqueTests: [Test] = []

                for aTest in theTests
                    var found = false
                    for uniqueTest in uniqueTests
                        if ==
                            found = true
                    if found == false
                        uniqueTests.append( aTest )
                return uniqueTests                               
            .publisher( in: database )

The primary problem I would like to solve is that I am doing two complete queries for all of the Tests in the database when only one should be necessary.

I have tried variants of:

  func allTheUniqueTestsPublisher() -> DatabasePublishers.Value<[Test]>
        let publisher = allTheTestsPublisher().map { (theTests: [Test]) -> [Test] in
                        var uniqueTests: [Test] = []
                        for aTest in theTests
                            var found = false
                            for uniqueTest in uniqueTests
                                if ==
                                    found = true
                            if found == false
                                uniqueTests.append( aTest )
                        return uniqueTests
        return publisher

but that generates the compile error:

Cannot convert return expression of type 'Publishers.Map<DatabasePublishers.Value<[Test]>, [Test]>' to return type 'DatabasePublishers.Value<[Test]>'

which I am not sure how to resolve.

I would appreciate any thoughts people might have.

(As a side note, I would have liked to be able to use Set() to do the unique test for me, but I have not figured out if that is possible since Set considers the id as well as the name when only the name matters.)