How to keep users from resizing models in AR Quick Look?

Is there a way to lock down the scale of a model in AR quicklook?

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You have to use ARQuickLookPreviewItem; see allowsContentScaling

Through the web, you pass the allowsContentScaling=0 parameter. e.g.

  • setting allowsContentScaling = false still make the user scale the model

  • how do we make it so that the user cannot move and scale the model? so it is locked in place (in a place determined by us)?

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You have to use ARQuickLookPreviewItem; see allowsContentScaling

Through the web, you pass the allowsContentScaling=0 parameter. e.g.

  • setting allowsContentScaling = false still make the user scale the model

  • how do we make it so that the user cannot move and scale the model? so it is locked in place (in a place determined by us)?

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thank you Bobjt!