WKWebView didFinishNavigation is not working with frame/iframes

I am trying to load a html which has 2 frames in it using WKWebView. I am getting all the navigation delegates for main frame once but not getting didCommit and didFinish callback for subframes.

My sample html is like this:

https://example.com <html><head><base href="https://example.com"></head><frameset framespacing="0" rows="*,0" frameborder="0" noresize><frame name="sco" src="https://example.com//assets/s/uruq3acajh9u/x/mobile/path/loading.html"><frame name="adaptor" src="https://example.com//assets/s/uruq3acajh9u/content/mobile/path/1.html?sco_url=https://example.com/content/elearningngx/VHDRczdEy5kO_pRfKsNJEA/1571433806/0088Z2lPcUR4MVljWWlPUVYvSjNrby9OVjJzbk84OENkN1h3SVl3UVBPMG9sb3lXNFFsaHUwT2xDbVhFTzVpMWdiNQ==RnJpIE9jdCAxOCAxMzoyMzoyNiBVVEMgMjAxOQ==/eot/index.html"></frameset></html>
func setupWebView(){
        if (self.webView != nil){
        HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookieAcceptPolicy = .always
        let userContentController = WKUserContentController()
        let pref = WKPreferences()
        pref.javaScriptEnabled = true
        pref.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
        pref.setValue(true, forKey: "allowFileAccessFromFileURLs")
        pref.setValue(true, forKey: "_allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs")
        let wkWebConfig = WKWebViewConfiguration()
        wkWebConfig.preferences = pref
        wkWebConfig.userContentController = userContentController
        let wkWebSiteStore = WKWebsiteDataStore.nonPersistent()
        wkWebConfig.websiteDataStore = wkWebSiteStore
        self.webView = WKWebView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: Constants.screenSize.width, height: self.playerContainer.frame.size.height), configuration: wkWebConfig)
        self.webView.navigationDelegate = self
        self.webView.uiDelegate = self

Also same issue with evaluateJavaScript as well. I am not getting any callback when loading "about:blank" using evaluateJavaScript. Seems same frames related issue.

Also unable to load file url using loadFileURL

Any leads would be appriciated. Thanks in advance.


I'm also seeing this issue, though with a slightly different use case. I am getting WKNavigationDelegate calls like func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) for an iFrame load, but I'm not seeing any of the follow up status calls once I pass .allow to the decisionHandler.