The Upload to App Store and Validate buttons are grayed out in the Archives Organizer

I have the problem on the xcode with 2 errors and i can not upload archive my app on app store.

Below is two errors:

Error 1: Sometimes i get error with Archive method with Generic IOS Device: clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/[name_user]/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ReactNativeBoilerPlate-guumnmuyadsuqofmnowwggpaufsd/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/[name_app]/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/libRNCPushNotificationIOS.a'

The file libRNCPushNotificationIOS.a already exists at frameworks and link binary and I don't know what else I can do about it.

Error 2: Some times that catch some magics and I have access on archive method with Generic IOS Device, but I can not push Validate app button, because is disabled and i dont know why.

I will wait to send me a good offer for that.



> I have access on archive method with Generic IOS Device, but I can not push Validate app button, because is disabled and i dont know why.

What version Xcode are you using?

But since you seem to have tried everything already, you may want to contact R-N support, then try dev support using the link below.

R-N is React-Native. Their so called 'support page' seems to not actually provide support, tho - instead they apparently pawn you off to StackOverflow, FaceBook, etc. etc. h ttps:// - good luck with that, but since devForums is meant for Apple's dev tools and SDKs, it is better than risking being off topic here.

'Link below' is the 'Contact Us' link that leads to a support question tree to help you decide what sub-topic you want to discuss/solve, which can end with you sending them a direct email from that form, and ask them to call you, then they call you and you discuss live. The contact us link here is the same one found elsewhere such as with App Store Connect Help / Support and Contact Us

Just keep in mind that like here, dev support isn't going to be the place for 3rd party tool/SDK support, so if they hear you mention React Native, don't be surprised if they seem anxious to get rid of you...don't let them get try to get you off the phone by sending you back here 😉, you already know how that goes. Apple related questions/issues, ok to dev support and devforums. 3rd party tools/SDKs question/support requests go to those vendors.

Good luck.