Disappearing list

My WatchOS app uses two view controllers with a paged navigation from the first to the second. The first view contains a list. The second view presents a modal. When the modal is closed and I navigate back to the first view controller the list is not visible. The view controllers contains nothing but the body. What can I do to make the list always visible?

First view

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        List {
            Text("Hello World")
            Text("Hello World again")

Second view

struct NextView: View {
    @State private var showModal = false
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
            self.showModal = true
        }) {
        }.sheet(isPresented: $showModal) {


Can you include a little more of the UI code here? I don't for example see how you're navigating from ContentView to NextView—without seeing how that's happening I can't tell what might have gone wrong here.

The views are bodies of otherwise empty view controllers.

class HostingController: WKHostingController {
    override var body: ContentView {
        return ContentView()
class NextController: WKHostingController<NextView> {
    override var body: NextView {
        return NextView()

The controllers setup in the Interface.storyboard, and HostingController has relationship "next page" to NextController.

Interface.storyboard image
