Delete song from playlist using Music Kit JS (or the API)?

I've got an app that allows a user to add songs to playlists in their library.

I'd like to be able to delete songs as well, but it appears that there is no way to do this?

It's baffling that this fundamental functionality is missing.

Is there some super important reason that this is not possible? If so, what might that be?

Are there plans to allow this functionality in the future?


Accepted Reply

Please see this thread

"Only the ability to add items to the Cloud Library and editable playlists is currently available in the Apple Music API. Thank you for the feedback, we understand developers would like the ability to work with the library in additional ways using these APIs."

  • @JoeKun have there been any developments that now allow the deletion of tracks in a user's playlist (initiated by th user, of course)?

  • Hello @Kimfucious,

    We don't have anything new to offer regarding deleting songs from playlists using MusicKit. Please file a ticket on Feedback Assistant outlining your needs and use-case. This will help us figure out how this enhancement can fit in our roadmap for enhancements to our public SDK.

    Best regards,

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Please see this thread

"Only the ability to add items to the Cloud Library and editable playlists is currently available in the Apple Music API. Thank you for the feedback, we understand developers would like the ability to work with the library in additional ways using these APIs."

  • @JoeKun have there been any developments that now allow the deletion of tracks in a user's playlist (initiated by th user, of course)?

  • Hello @Kimfucious,

    We don't have anything new to offer regarding deleting songs from playlists using MusicKit. Please file a ticket on Feedback Assistant outlining your needs and use-case. This will help us figure out how this enhancement can fit in our roadmap for enhancements to our public SDK.

    Best regards,

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It appears that this is now possible.

See here!

  • Unfortunately, the new feature in that thread is only available in MusicKit for Swift. I know you're the original poster, but I got here because of MusicKit JS and the API, which you seem to have asked about originally. Just clarifying for other people looking for this.

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