Sign In With Apple Not Returning User Details

I have set up "Sign In With Apple" on my local dev website, and have been successfull in getting an `access token` and `id_token`, which unwraps to the following:

  +"iss": "..."
  +"aud": "..."
  +"exp": ...
  +"iat": ...
  +"sub": "..."
  +"at_hash": "..."
  +"auth_time": ...

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to contain any user details.

All the threads I've seen are late August or early September, but nothing recent seems to discuss the email and name fields.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Accepted Reply

This turned out to be a problem with my URL encoding for the GET request. Make sure the encoding is set to PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 if using PHP ("scope=name%20email" instead of "scope=name+email").


This turned out to be a problem with my URL encoding for the GET request. Make sure the encoding is set to PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 if using PHP ("scope=name%20email" instead of "scope=name+email").