Export compliance documentation for encryption

I am building iOS apps that use Bluetooth LE via CoreBluetooth and make calls over ATS/HTTPS, both of which make use of encryption, which requires a declaration in AppStoreConnect.

AppStoreConect then links to this document:


which states that for ATS/HTTPS or "encryption limited to that within the Apple operating system" (the latter should be applicable for Bluetooth), "No documentation required in App Store Connect.", but I should "Submit a Self Classification Report to the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) directly."

So I end up with "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption : No" and tried to create such a report, which basically consists of a simple spreadsheet listing some product details, but now I am totally lost trying to figure out what to use for these three colums, in particular the first one:


There are documents that discuss possible values for these entries, but they are harder to decypher than the crypto in question here...😕

Is there a simple table or official statement which tells what to use for the very basic case of an app that is exclusively using HTTPS and other built-in crypto, such as Bluetooth, Wifi, etc.?

Has anyone ever figured out the proper entries for this common case?


I researched this question and concluded that my app (which like yours, uses iOS Bluetooth and HTTPS/TLS, both directly and via Firebase's underlying BoringSSL library) should be classified "Mass Market" and ECCN = 5D992 (some say 5D992.c, but others say the report should not include the trailing letter).

The references I used include:
  official government site regarding the annual report from bis.doc.gov/index.php:

  official government site regarding “mass market” from bis.doc.gov/index.php:

  from SuperTop.co's blog (blog.supertop.co):
(use Authorization Type = MMKT, ECCN = 5D992.c)

  stack overflow discussion: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48462206/annual-self-classification-report 
(suggests using ECCN = 5D992)

  government explanation of report fields, from ecfr.gov:

Docebo.com's guidance page:

(sorry the forum won't let me paste complete URLs, but they should be reconstructable from the above)