About Core NFC enhancements and Java Card Applets in iOS 13

About Core NFC enhancements in iOS 13: can we communicate with Java Card Applet?

In a smart card gathering both Java Applets and MIFARE DESFire, we disabled the MIFARE capabilities on purpose. Using the proper AID and appropriate entitlements, we tried to communicate to applets, without success.

Do you know when it will be possible to communicate with Java Card Applets?

We saw that Core NFC documentation that they mention writing data will happen with ISO 7816, ISO 15693, Felica and MIFARE tags. Also, it is not supporting payment related AID. Our Applets AID are not part of those payment AID.

Thank you


I'm able to do so.

At what stage are you getting a failure.

You would communicate with the applet using the NFCISO7816Tag.

You need to declare your AID in the app manifest.

Where are you having trouble? How far do you get? What error are you experiencing?