Xcode 11.1 Crash During XIB Compile

Command CompileXIB failed with a nonzero exit code.

My storyboards asset catalogs and and xib's crash will not compile with XCode 11.1

Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code

Command CompileXIB failed with a nonzero exit code..etc.

If I click on one of the said resources, XCode itself will crash.

I am not sure what information I can give to help me with this?

Additional Information:L

I created a new single view project, selected Storyboard instead of Swift UI, and it crashes in the same way. This is with absolutely no alterations by me:

CompileStoryboard /Users/work/Projects/Xib\ and\ Asset/Xib\ and\ Asset/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard (in target 'Xib and Asset' from project 'Xib and Asset')
    cd /Users/work/Projects/Xib\ and\ Asset
    export XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/..
    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool --errors --warnings --notices --module Xib_and_Asset --output-partial-info-plist /Users/work/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Xib_and_Asset-fwmxcfvhwsnyvdclodjxeucsbttk/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Xib\ and\ Asset.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Xib\ and\ Asset.build/Base.lproj/Main-SBPartialInfo.plist --auto-activate-custom-fonts --target-device iphone --target-device ipad --minimum-deployment-target 13.1 --output-format human-readable-text --compilation-directory /Users/work/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Xib_and_Asset-fwmxcfvhwsnyvdclodjxeucsbttk/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Xib\ and\ Asset.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Xib\ and\ Asset.build/Base.lproj /Users/work/Projects/Xib\ and\ Asset/Xib\ and\ Asset/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard

objc[2789]: vm_allocate trampolines failed (268435459)
Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code


This has been fixed in a subsequent release of XCode / OSX

.Xcode 11.1 is the most recent release. I have the same problem. I am running 11.1 (15405) on Mac OS X 10.14.6 (18G103).

Application Specific Information:

ProductBuildVersion: 11A1027

UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (IBPlatformToolFailureException): The tool closed the connection

Application Specific Information:

vm_allocate trampolines failed (268435459)

CoreSimulator 681.5.4 - Device: iPhone Xʀ (1D829943-DC35-4B55-9951-9B97E9076EA9) - Runtime: iOS 13.1 (17A844) - DeviceType: iPhone Xʀ

Good. Thanks to close the thread on your own correct answer.

As I reported above, this problem still exists. I do not think this thread should be closed yet. It is interesting that the OP found that the problem was solved in 11.1 and for me it worked in 11.0 and appeared in 11.1.

I'm having a similar experience in Xcode 11.1/Mac OS 10.14.6. All of a sudden, trying to open storyboards in iOS projects is resulting in Xcode crashing. Trying to run these projects results in a runtime error:

Command CompileStoryboard failed with a nonzero exit code

I can successfully open the storyboards as "Source". While this has affected both one of my own iOS projects, and an Apple Example app I freshlly de-archived, I am not running into this issue in a couple of Mac apps I've been working on lately.

Did you get a more detailed crash log, in the Issue navigator on the left panel ?

Is it the same as in this thread ?


I just installed XCode 11.2 and the problem is now resolved on my system.

I'm running XCode 11.2.1 and it persists.

From system log:


Nov 20 09:15:52 IBAgent-iOS[11517]: assertion failed: 19B88 17B102: libxpc.dylib + 99084 [2C8335BC-019B-37C6-B8C6-92A04E475054]: 0x8d

Nov 20 09:15:52 IBAgent-iOS[11517]: assertion failed: 19B88 17B102: libxpc.dylib + 44211 [2C8335BC-019B-37C6-B8C6-92A04E475054]: 0x8d

Nov 20 09:15:52 IBAgent-iOS[11517]: objc[11517]: vm_allocate trampolines failed (268435459)

First time when I clicked the error it crashed Xcode and restarting Xcode didn't work. It would always crash xcode again when the workspace was loading and the progress was "Indexing...".

Removed all xcuserdata folders and retried. Now I got a crash dialog immediately and sent the crash report to Apple.

From the crash reports of xcode:

Crashed Thread: 17 Dispatch queue: IB.AsyncLaunchingQueue.IBCocoaTouchToolManager

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000


Application Specific Information:

ProductBuildVersion: 11B500

UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (IBPlatformToolFailureException): The tool closed the connection

Application Specific Information:

vm_allocate trampolines failed (268435459)

CoreSimulator 681.15 - Device: iPhone 8 (E40D4F70-709E-4015-9BD1-10B83584E028) - Runtime: iOS 13.2 (17B102) - DeviceType: iPhone 8

Now xcode works again and I could load and build the project. It would however end up with the same crash reports from ibtoold and ibagent-ios.

It feels like the ibagent-ios crashes somehow and that ripples to xcode via ibtoold.

I got two of these crashes but I guess that has to do with our project settings / what device emulators we use.


Process: IBAgent-iOS [27577]

Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Overlays/IBAgent-iOS

Identifier: IBAgent-iOS

Version: 11.2.1 (15510)

Code Type: X86-64 (Native)

Parent Process: ibtoold [27556]

Responsible: Xcode [23281]

Date/Time: 2019-11-20 09:39:33.170 +0100

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.1 (19B88)

Report Version: 12

Anonymous UUID: 23868A06-6119-7772-2E3E-C2219A90E68D

Time Awake Since Boot: 2100 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000


Termination Reason: Namespace OBJC, Code 0x1

Application Specific Information:

vm_allocate trampolines failed (268435459)

CoreSimulator 681.15 - Device: IBSimDeviceTypeiPad2x (1AC0C2DA-7F30-4153-9589-394377968CCD) - Runtime: iOS 13.2 (17B102) - DeviceType: IBSimDeviceTypeiPad2x

I have the same problem. XCode crash when I'm trying open xib files. Project also not compile. Any idea?