10.15 (19A558d) is a disaster

Unable to open most of the formats, including medias( mp3 mp4 jpeg mov etc ) and microsoft office files, iwork files.

Touch Bar disappear ( Unable to restart it via Terminal, basically the entire Touch Bar software is gone ).

Unable to drag files ( while window dragging works fine )


Runs rock solid here...

No joy here either. Several of your same issues. Especially iCloud Drive issues. Fingers crossed for next beta.

Runs fine here, too

Isn't the dragging just an accessibility setting?

shep Preferences > defaults read | grep Dragging -B5
    "com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad" =     {
        "-bool" = true;
        ActuateDetents = 1;
        Clicking = 1;
        DragLock = 0;
        Dragging = 1;
        UserPreferences = 1;
    "com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad" =     {
        Clicking = 1;
        DragLock = 0;
        Dragging = 1;

Are yours set to '1' or '0' ?