Old bug is still not fixed after app upgrade

Hi there,

Yesterday we released a 1.0.3 version to fix a bug in 1.0.2.

Two users reported that after upgrade, the bug is still there. They then uninstall app and install it from app store again, the bug is gone.

I'm guessting that for some rare reason, the old version is downloaded even it is said as a new version. We have a way to check version number, unfortunately they don't know how, so just guess.

I have a device with 1.0.2, and tried upgrading to 1.0.3 and couldn't repeat the same issue.

Has anyone meet this?




Try doing an ad-hoc install of your 1.0.3 version to a device running 1.0.2....they sometimes better replicate a store install.

‘Two users reported that after upgrade...’. Another possibility is that these two users’ report was actually before they upgraded and they didn’t realize their error.