Switching from non consumable to auto renewable subscription


If I have an app that currently offers a fixed price (non consumable) to upgrade to premium, but in the next version I want to switch that to a auto-renewing subscription instead how should I do that? Should I keep the other non-consumable in app purchase as is and just add a new auto renewable subscription product and just change my store screen? or do I have to also disable the existing non-conumable in app purchase?

I have users that have already purchased premium via non consumable so I still want them to be able to restore purchases, but I want any new users to have to use the subscription model. Does anyone know what the best practices are here in this situation?

Thanks in advance for help


You can simply un-check "cleared for sale" for the non-consumable after the new version, with the autorenewable IAP, is approved.

Submit a new binary coded for the autorenewable at the same time you submit the autorenewable IAP. Mark the new binary as 'developer will release'. Since the new binary requires the new IAP you don't want it released before the new IAP is approved.

In my case, I have submitted an IAP review without a binary upload and it causes "Your in-app purchase has been returned". And the next step says need to upload IAP implemented binary need to upload. Once we upload a binary and given for app review, is the submit button in IAP will be displayed?