Archive still hangs on Xcode 11 GM Seed 2

Archive/build is still broken in Xcode 11 GM Seed 2 and hangs indefinitely for projects that build fine in debug for device or simulator within Xcode 11 and archive fine in Xcode 10.

Can Apple please provide an update on this issue - are you guys just punting on it for the iOS 13 launch or is there any chance to release another Xcode 11 GM?


Is this release note about your problem ?

Known Issues

The archive action does not code sign command-line executable products from Swift packages. (48717735)

Workaround: Manually sign archived executables using the codesign tool before distributing them.

Don't think so. When I change code signing style to Manual for release it still hangs, also don't think it's a "command-line exectuable product", it's just a normal iOS app.

The way they're shotgunning Xcode 11 versions right now, I'd avoid them like the plague.