Can't un-verify domain and verify it with different account

We have 2 teams involved - A and B

1) We added domain to Sign In with Apple to A and verified it:[e72d775f110ccd803b63a559e2119678]_Image%25202019-09-13%2520at%25204.21.03%2520pm.png

2) We wanted to add and verify the same domain to another team B, but it doesn't look possible.

We've got an error message:

"Requested domain name has been verified previously."[2c0962c612b72898980d7e283f3e973f]_Image%25202019-09-13%2520at%25204.45.35%2520pm.png

3) We tried to remove it from first current team A, but have the same problem

Please help us to solve this issue.


Same issue here: