iOS 13 constraints issue

I simply manage an expendable table view with constraints to get the following behavior:

This table view is into the same custom view as the view "Points of intereset" below. This custom view have all its constraints fixed exepted the table view height. When I want to expand the table view, I just have to increase the height constraint of the custom view by doing:

                for constraint in customView.constraints {
                    if constraint.firstAttribute == .height {
                        constraint.constant = newHeight

It works perfectly on every iOS version except the iOS 13 which has this behavior:
The weird thing is that if I do the height constraint change in ViewDidLoad, ViewWillAppear or ViewDidAppear, it have the behavior I expect but not when I do it on user interaction. Also, I tried to do it into and outside a main thread but has no effect.
After long try, I really think it's a bug from iOS 13. Could someone have an idea about this UI bug ?
Tried on iPhone 7, iOS: 13.1 (17A5837a) and simulator iPhone 8, iOS 13

Version Xcode: 11.0 (11A419c)