App validation failing (Xcode 10) with 'could not find main bundle or info.plist is missing CFBundleIdentifier

I uploaded an app for review - it failed because I had used a beta version of Xcode. I installed current Xcode 10 and opened the project file. All worked as expected. I made an archive but now the validation of the archive is failing with the error:

"App Store Connect Operation Error"

"Could not find the main bundle or the Info.plist is missing a CFBundleIdentifier ..."

I read some of the XCode reference docs and can see that the Bundle ID as shown in the GENERAL tab(s) is both correct an consistent with what was there previously and also correct and consistent with the Bundle ID's shown in my account on the App Store Connect panel. At a loss of what to do....


An update - I was not able to fix the file so it would pass validation. However, I opened the assets as a new Project in Xcode and was able to validate as expected.

I was having a similar problem using Xcode 11's GM release. I noticed it when my bump build number script kept failing when building an archive.

First I noticed that the folder structure around Xcode11 seems to have changed slightly, so I had to first migrate my custom bump build number script to the correct folder.

Yet, the archive builds still failed. I did some more digging and found that whenever I changed the value in the Build field, on the General Tab, it blanked out the value in the <projectname>info.plist.

So, I ignored the General Tab Build field, and keyed the new value, manually, directly into the corresponding field in the <projectname>info.plist.

I still have to key the new value into the info.plist, but now the build number is included included in the archive builds. My bump build number script also works as it should.

Hope this helps.

In my case, a restart of Xcode solved it.

Restart Xcode not worked, clean build folder not worked :(
Version 11.5