Does ReplayKit capture screen continuously even when screen content does not change?


I am using Replay Kit 2 to capture the device’s screen and upload to a broadcast server using a broadcast upload extension. It works except when there is no change in the screen content. It seems that no CMSampleBuffer is generated unless there is a change in screen state.

For example, when I start a broadcast and I interact with the screen — tap home back, interact with apps, scroll lists — CMSampleBuffers are beijg sent to the upload extension. However, if I stop interacting with the screen — stay on the home screen and do nothing — then no CMSampleBuffers are generated.

Is there a way to allow CMSampleBuffer to be continuously generated while the broadcast is active even when there is no change on the screen?

Alternatively, is there a mechanism where I could add an animated window element to the screen from the upload extension so that creates a change in state of the screen which I suspect would generate a CMSampleBuffer?

Thanks in advance for any help.