How to hide or disable the whole touchBar?


My mac app need to hide or disable the whole touchBar.

  1. What should I do to hide 'esc'?
  2. What should I do to hide 'the control strip'?
  3. What should I do to hide or disable the whole touchBar?

I have read the following official documents:

On the right side of the Touch Bar, the system supplies the always-available Control Strip. The Control Strip gives the user access to standard controls for display brightness, sound volume, Siri, and so on. Your app’s bars appear to the left of the Control Strip. The user can choose to hide the Control Strip, which gives the frontmost app the entire Touch Bar width. Read about how bars respond to available width in NSTouchBar Layout.

But, I do not know how to implement it with objc.

Accepted Reply

You have recreated a duplicate of the other post. You should better have transfered the post from CocoaTocuh to Cocoa.

I will reply in CocoaTouch where you have posted additional information.

Have a look here, if it can help:


You have recreated a duplicate of the other post. You should better have transfered the post from CocoaTocuh to Cocoa.

I will reply in CocoaTouch where you have posted additional information.

Have a look here, if it can help: