iOS 13.1 Public Beta and Firebase Cloud Notification

Hi, my name is Massimo Senatore, R&D Manager App.

I'm use:

-macOS Catalina Beta (10.15)

-XCode 11 Beta

-iOS 13.1 Beta Public

With this configuration

App does not receive FireBase Cloud Notification.


With this configuration:

App receive FireBase Cloud Notification.

receives FireBase Cloud Notification in Mac Os Mojave, xCode 10, iOS 12.

Do you find it?


This is my podFile:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project

platform :ios, '12.2'

target 'myApp' do

# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks


pod 'Firebase/Core'

pod 'Firebase/Messaging'

# Pods for MyApp

target 'MyApp' do

inherit! :search_paths

# Pods for testing


target 'MyAppUITests' do

inherit! :search_paths

# Pods for testing



Thanks for the attention.

Massimo Senatore

Firenze Web Division
