Debugging: view all properties of an object

Hi all. Could you please explain me why can't i observe all properties of an object in VariableView section. For example, let's inspect current view controller object. It has property "view". If i use LLDB and exec e self.view i see current view value. But if i expand self object in VairableView section i see no anything like view property. See my screenshot.


What do you see when you expand UIKit.UIViewController ?

I see some properties (see scr. below)

But i' dont understand (similar to MS Visual Studio debugging) why several properies not shown and rest all property names starts with "_" like "_view" and e.t.c.

Besides, can anyone suggest me kine of article that explains debugging process for newcomers ))

Thanks in advance.

Some of it is related to Apple using underscore as a prefix for items. The iVar's that back properties default to the property name prefixed by an underscore.

It would also be worth being sure you have optimization turned off in debug builds. That can make it hard to impossible to see some variables.