Watch App Submission

For those having Watch App upload issues, here is a simplified approach.

The existing Application Loader (part of Xcode) CANNOT be used to submit Apps with Watch App extensions/components. It will load just fine that way, but you will get invalid binary as a result. You have to use the Archive features of Xcode to submit watch apps.

The simple steps follow:

1. Build your app for distribution.

2. Use Project menu in Xcode and Archive. (this step takes a while)

3. Open the Organizer in Xcode

4. Select the app from the left and the archive just created

5. Press “Submit to App Store…”

The last step can take a while. There is also a Validate button that can be used before step 5 to check for obvious problems before submitting. If all goes well, you are done.

The most common error you may receive in step 5 is:

"The IPA is invalid It does not include a Payload directory."

This is usually due to incorrect settings in your main app pList file. Be sure both of the following fields are present and set:

- LSRequiresIPhoneOS: YES (Boolean)

- CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion: 6.0 (String)


What do you do if those parameters still don't solve the issue? Unfortunately, that is the case for me

This the case for me, too.