CpMac not found after xcode11beta5 installation?

Hi There,

My iOS App build script has a few cpMac commands to copy files after the app is built. These cpMac commands used to work until I installed xcode11beta5 and/or upgraded Mac OS to 10.14.6

Right now, even if I just ran cpMac on terminal, I got:

cpMac: error: unable to find utility "CpMac", not a developer tool or in PATH

http://osxdaily.com/2014/02/12/install-command-line-tools-mac-os-x/ states it should be in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin, but it's not there on my own mac… As suggested in the same site, I did manually install the command line tool for xcode11 beta5 at https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?=command%20line%20tools, but no luck. Any ideas? Is command line tool the develper tool? If not, what's the tool? where can I download it?



Hi lulu88,

Open terminal and typo "cpmac" and press return, it will download and install CpMac.