resolvesAliasesof NSOpenPanel and symbolic links

Hi, ALL,

Am I understand correctly, that when I set this property to YES and I have a symbolic link in the panel I will be opening the file the link is pointing to. And when I set it to NO, I will be opening the link itself.

Could someone please clarify this?

Thank you.



I just tried it.

I have ~/temp directory.

So I did:

ln -s /Users/igor/temp /Users/igor/mylink

Then I added a file to the mylink directory.

Then I ran my program with:

[panel setResolveAliases:NO];

But I still got /Users/igor/temp/testfile. I didn't receive "/Users/igor/mylink/testfile".

In fact the Open Panel here displays temp at the top for the currect directory,

I'm currently on OSX 10.13.

I don't know if this use-case even suppose to work...