Set macos usernotification alertstyle as alerts, Show notification when DND is on.

Hello Developers,

I am developing mac app with local notification in macOS Mojave 10.14.6 I have few questions regarding this

How I can change notification alertStyle as alerts programatically not by doing SystemPreferences > Notifications > Selecting App > Choosing Alert style as Alerts and How I can Change title Close and Actions to my own text (Beow is the link of notification).

2 . How I can restrict this notification from coming in side bar(Top Right corner) notification center where list of notifications appear.

3 . How to show this notification even if DND is enabled means I need to bypass DND. I am able to achieve this by using NSUserNotification but not by UNUserNotificationCenter as NSUserNotificationCenter is now not supported by current OS.

Your help is highly appreciated.
