Error with optionals & ca_debug_string: inPropertyData == NULL


I'm new in programming and I'm trying to make a recording app but I've been stuck with an error; Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an optional value . I searched all over the internet and found so much answers but some how I can't fix it. I want to learn how to fix this error.

The error happens in line 41, before I add the ? to audioFile. Now The error happens in line 91.

Please note I can record and get the recorded file from directory, but the app crashes at that point

Also in the console I'm receiving this error but the app isn't crashing:

Optional(/Users/belal/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ADD7FEB7-F61B-4999-B148-8951C0B2F6A3/data/Containers/Data/Applicati ... oice.wav)

2019-08-06 19:12:44.994689+0300 Sound Recorder[1289:26015] 317: ca_debug_string: inPropertyData == NULL

Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

//  PlaySoundsViewController=Audio.swift
//  Sound Recorder
//  Created by Belal Gawish on 8/3/19.
//  Copyright © 2019 Belal Gawish. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import AVFoundation

// MARK: - PlaySoundsViewController: AVAudioPlayerDelegate

extension PlaySoundsViewController: AVAudioPlayerDelegate {
    // MARK: Alerts
    struct Alerts {
        static let DismissAlert = "Dismiss"
        static let RecordingDisabledTitle = "Recording Disabled"
        static let RecordingDisabledMessage = "You've disabled this app from recording your microphone, Check your Settings."
        static let RecordingFailedTitle = "Recording Failed"
        static let RecordingFailedMessage = "Something went wrong with your recording."
        static let AudioRecorderError = "Audio Recorder Error"
        static let AudioSessionError = "Audio Session Error"
        static let AudioRecordingError = "Audio Recording Error"
        static let AudioFileError = "Audio File Error"
        static let AudioEngineError = "Audio Engine Error"
    // MARK: PlayingState (raw values correspond to sender tags)
    enum PlayingState { case playing, notPlaying }
    // MARK: Audio Functions
    func setupAudio() {
            // initialize (recording) audio file
            do {
                audioFile? = try AVAudioFile(forReading: recordedAudioURL as URL)
            } catch {
                showAlert(Alerts.AudioFileError, message: String(describing: error))

    func playSound(rate: Float? = nil, pitch: Float? = nil, echo: Bool = false, reverb: Bool = false) {
        // initialize audio engine components
        audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
        // node for playing audio
        audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
        // node for adjusting rate/pitch
        let changeRatePitchNode = AVAudioUnitTimePitch()
        if let pitch = pitch {
            changeRatePitchNode.pitch = pitch
        if let rate = rate {
            changeRatePitchNode.rate = rate
        // node for echo
        let echoNode = AVAudioUnitDistortion()
        // node for reverb
        let reverbNode = AVAudioUnitReverb()
        reverbNode.wetDryMix = 50
        // connect nodes
        if echo == true && reverb == true {
            connectAudioNodes(audioPlayerNode, changeRatePitchNode, echoNode, reverbNode, audioEngine.outputNode)
        } else if echo == true {
            connectAudioNodes(audioPlayerNode, changeRatePitchNode, echoNode, audioEngine.outputNode)
        } else if reverb == true {
            connectAudioNodes(audioPlayerNode, changeRatePitchNode, reverbNode, audioEngine.outputNode)
        } else {
            connectAudioNodes(audioPlayerNode, changeRatePitchNode, audioEngine.outputNode)
        // schedule to play and start the engine!
        audioPlayerNode.scheduleFile(audioFile, at: nil)
            var delayInSeconds: Double = 0
            if let lastRenderTime = self.audioPlayerNode.lastRenderTime, let playerTime = self.audioPlayerNode.playerTime(forNodeTime: lastRenderTime) {
                if let rate = rate {
                    delayInSeconds = Double(self.audioFile.length - playerTime.sampleTime) / Double(self.audioFile.processingFormat.sampleRate) / Double(rate)
                } else {
                    delayInSeconds = Double(self.audioFile.length - playerTime.sampleTime) / Double(self.audioFile.processingFormat.sampleRate)
            // schedule a stop timer for when audio finishes playing
            self.stopTimer = Timer(timeInterval: delayInSeconds, target: self, selector: #selector(PlaySoundsViewController.stopAudio), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
            RunLoop.main.add(self.stopTimer!, forMode: RunLoop.Mode.default)
        do {
            try audioEngine.start()
        } catch {
            showAlert(Alerts.AudioEngineError, message: String(describing: error))
        // play the recording!
    @objc func stopAudio() {
        if let audioPlayerNode = audioPlayerNode {
        if let stopTimer = stopTimer {
        if let audioEngine = audioEngine {
    // MARK: Connect List of Audio Nodes
    func connectAudioNodes(_ nodes: AVAudioNode...) {
        for x in 0..            audioEngine.connect(nodes[x], to: nodes[x+1], format:
    // MARK: UI Functions
    func configureUI(_ playState: PlayingState) {
        switch(playState) {
        case .playing:
            stopButton.isEnabled = true
        case .notPlaying:
            stopButton.isEnabled = false
    func setPlayButtonsEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) {
        snailButton.isEnabled = enabled
        chipmunkButton.isEnabled = enabled
        rabbitButton.isEnabled = enabled
        vaderButton.isEnabled = enabled
        echoButton.isEnabled = enabled
        reverbButton.isEnabled = enabled
    func showAlert(_ title: String, message: String) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)

        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: Alerts.DismissAlert, style: .default, handler: nil))
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)