Persist Simulated Accessories between Xcode / iOS Versions

When creating apps that use HomeKit and HomeKit Accessories, I use the iOS simulator.

In order to do that, I use the HomeKit Accessory Simulator, create simulated accessories. Then I launch my app, add that simulated home / rooms and accessories to my app using the device explorer. So far so good.

However the problem is, whenever I upgrade Xcode, I have to go through the entire process of adding the home, rooms and accessories to my room. My simulated accessories are still there in HomeKit Accessory Simlulator of course, however when running a new simulator (especially after an upgrade of Xcode) there is no HMHome / HomeKit home available.

How do I solve this? Can I import / export my HKAccessories using the simulator, maybe it's stored in the simulator file paths, or even using the Accessory Simulator?

Thanks very much, as this is quite a big bugbear for me.


Curious if you are adding accesories with or without a valid iCloud account?

Bump, I'd really like to know how other developers are using the HK Simulator along with the iOS Device Sims.

Is it possible to save / export HK configurations between iOS Device Simulators?

Also what about teams of devs. Wouldn't they have packs of HK Simulated devices to share with each other in order to speed up resolving bugs for specific device types etc?

This really slows down development time.