customized iBeacon

I want to develop a product using customized iBeacon.

1. Advertisement interval set to 1 second (for battery life).

2. Remove FLAGS ad_structure (due to limitations of own-library)

3. Change the size of iBeacon ad_structure from 0x1A to 0x1B and add 1-byte sequence number.(increment every 10 second)

What do I need to do these?

MFI certified? IBeacon certified?

I do not intend to use the "iBeacon" name or log.

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Apple Developer Forums is a community for discussing developer-level issues with Apple’s SDKs and tools. It is not an official Apple support channel, even for developer issues, and it’s definitely not the right place to feedback/get answers about non-apple platforms.


I'll assume by product you mean hardware, not software.

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ...?

BTLE devices are not required to be MFi certified. See

Note that while questions surrounding the Core Location framework & iBeacon related API are appropriate for devForums, I'd not expect much help here with your own hardware.

For info on iBeacon licensing, ranging, etc., see

iBeacon Hardware

iBeacon-enabled hardware and accessories must integrate iBeacon technology to ensure a reliable and consistent experience for customers. For information about deploying devices, read Getting Started with iBeacon.